Compare Me Against Who?

Tell me what is wrong with the word “holy” and why I should defend it?  Because it causes discomfort?  Does my lack of interest change the word’s meaning?  Does my desire for control limit its reach? Holy, holy, holy…just repeating the word makes me evaluate myself.  You try it.  Literally.  Say it out loud four or five times: holy, holy, holy, holy, holy.  Does it invoke anything in you at all?

Consider the following from 2 Corinthians 6 and 7. Chapter 7 first:

1Therefore, since we have these promises, 
   dear friends, let us purify ourselves 
 from everything that contaminates body and spirit, 
   perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

How much do you revere (put above yourself) God?  Your level of reverence equates to your level of pursued holiness.  We’re all the same…me, you, Billy Graham…all the same…we all must make this decision.  But, what are the promises pursuing us?  God has promised us something...what is it?  Consider the promises of God (Who doesn't lie) that are delivered in the verses just previous, found at the end of chapter 6:

16As God has said:

“I will live with them
    and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
    and they will be my people.”
17 Therefore,

“Come out from them
    and be separate,
says the Lord.
Touch no unclean thing,
    and I will receive you.”
18 And,

“I will be a Father to you,
    and you will be my sons and daughters,
says the Lord Almighty.”

If God is your Father...don't you think He will love you enough to help you learn the life skills you need?  Won't he protect you?  He LOVES to spend time with you, to hear you speak, to live life with you.  All this is deepened or cheapened by our pursuit of holiness.  Think of God who is waiting for us to find Him...don't be afraid...instead, pursue holiness.  Let’s stay away from sex outside of marriage, movies that pollute our hearts and minds, TV that wars against our spirit inside, and everything that will make us unfit and rob us of the privilege to be one in whom God will choose to live.  Holy, holy, holy.

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