Dealing with uncomfortable situations
Every one of us has uncomfortable situations to deal with. The question is, how do we handle them successfully. Here are a few ideas to challenge yourself with. Always remember, discomfort stinks but it's there for a reason.
- Examine your history. Have you done something with this person that is on your conscience? Is it possible that you've offended them and are unwilling to deal with the aftermath of your own bad decisions? Look at your past. If there's something that requires another's forgiveness, ask for it early and quick.
- Examine your motives. Are you pursuing something you know is wrong and are afraid you will be caught? It's never too late to turn over a new leaf. Quit while you're ahead and save yourself the anguish of getting caught or fired.
- Examine your gossip level. Have you fallen into verbal abuse of the person you are uncomfortable with? It could be that you're afraid they've found out the truth and now you'll have to deal with the bad mouthing you've done in the past. If you have, tell them what you've said, why it was wrong and ask them to start over. All of us can use a fresh start once in a while.
Know someone that needs to read this? Forward my blog to them. For more issues and ideas, get my book Making It Count. It's time to make work fun again! Bryan Hurlbut is the author of Making It Count: Putting meaning back in business and relationships.